5 letter word that ends with ONIC

Are you here looking for the list of 5 Letter words that end with ONIC [_ONIC]?

Well, I just happened to perform this task and compiled and put together all 5-letter words ending with ONIC.

As a matter of fact, it wasn’t such a tedious task as the list is not so huge and that’s understandable.

With 4 letters, O, N, I and C already there, we have to replace the first letter so there aren’t too many letters to put in. So I added two more columns, Type of Word and the Meaning to impart more knowledge about these words.

Anyway, I won’t hold you up for too long. Let’s jump right in and check out the list below:

List of 5-Letter Words That End With ONIC – [_ONIC]

WordType Of WordMeaningWordle No.
CONICAdjectiveShaped like or relating to a cone
IONICAdjectiveRelating to ions or having the characteristics of ionsWordle #481- Oct 13, 2023
MONICAdjectivePertaining to monads or expressing unity
NONICAdjectiveNot comparable
SONICAdjectiveRelating to sound or the speed of sound
TONICNounA medicinal substance or a refreshing or invigorating drink
YONICAdjectiveDerived from the word, Yoni, it is the symbol or representation of the female genitalia, often associated with feminine creative energy and fertility
List Of 5-Letter Words Ending With ONIC – [_ONIC]

List of Other 5-Letter Words

Here’s a list of all the other 5-letter words that I’ve been maintaining. You know, “for research purposes!”.

I believe you will find them helpful as well:

Final Word

So that’s it for this article. As you may have noticed, the list is not too extensive and it’s quite easy to memorize all of these words in just one sitting so that you can later brag about it among your friends. This can also come in quite handy during your “intense” Scrabble match or when you’re playing Wordle.

Also, notice how all but one word are adjective.

By 9ataq

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